We have taken our after school Summer Field of Fun and we have super sized it for 2024.
Join us for a day of fun with a variety of things to do and see, and of course food.
We are teaming up with other charities on the day. But we have it confirmed that the Sporting Bears are coming and they have not been in our area for long time now so we cannot wait for them to bring some cars for the day offering dream rides, we will have more information closer to the time on what cars to expect, but I don't know about you, but we are very excited!
Stall Applications are being accepted as we will not be duplicating types of stalls. Please feel free to express your interest below and we will be in touch! Additionally while the dream rides are happening, we are looking for some more vehicles for people to look at and admire if you have one please do get in touch!!
Thanks PTFA